Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!!!

As you can tell by the name of the blog "pooping on the potty", by blog is about potty-training.  I am a stay-at-home Mom of two small children.  A 3 year old boy and 1 1/2 year old girl.  I am going through the process of potty-training both of my kids right now.  Some days are better than others.  We have been trying to potty train my son since he was one.  He knows how to pee in the potty, but will only go when we tell him to.  Otherwise, he just goes in his diaper.  He has pooped two or three times in the potty since we started, but I am hoping that this will happen more often.  Especially since I am trying to get him potty-trained before preschool starts next fall.  My 1 1/2 year old daughter sees my son on the potty and she wants to go on there too.  She has peed a couple times and even pooped once on the potty!  I think I may have them potty trained at the same time!!!