Monday, November 22, 2010

To poop on the potty or to poop in the bathtub?

I did not keep up with my son's potty training as well as yesterday.  I put him in diapers today and he peed in the diapers a few times.  I would ask him if he had to go potty and he would say no or he would sit on the potty and nothing would come out.  After I told him that I would give him a little piece of candy each time, he went pee.  Still no poop in the potty.  Today, we went to the library and used the kids potty.  My son peed and my daughter pooped over there!  I couldn't believe it!  I was so happy!  We went a few other times at home with success, but only after I asked if they needed to go, brought them back to the potty and told them I would give them a treat.

My daughter was so excited to jump in the bathtub when I was filling up the bath, that I didn't get a chance to put her on the potty before she went in.  While my kids were taking a bath, I noticed poop floating around.  This is the second night in a row that my daughter pooped in the tub!  I said "Who pooped in the tub?" and my son noticed it floating towards him.  He had terror on his face as he screamed "Get me out of here" and threw himself out of the tub.  I laughed so hard, I almost had an accident!  It looks like our bathtub is our Number 2 for Number 2's!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Potty Training seats

When we first began our potty training journey, we started off with the basic potty training seat that sits on the ground, which you have to empty out every time your child goes potty in it.  My husband decided that it takes up too much room and that it was kind of gross, so I looked into alternatives.  I found the Baby Bjorn toilet trainer.  You put it on your toilet seat and it makes it smaller so your child doesn't fall through.  I didn't need any tools to attach it.  I can pull it off and hang it up when we have company over and then reattach it by just placing it on top of our toilet seat when our kids are ready to use it.  It is easy to clean and easy to use.  We had to get a let step stool to put in front of the toilet so our kids could get on the toilet since it is higher than they could reach on their own.  I love it!  My husband even likes it.  He hasn't tried to get rid of it yet and we have had it for over a year!

How To Potty Train Your Little Dragon

Can you tell I have been watching 'How to Train Your Dragon'  a lot lately?!  My kids just got the movie a few weeks ago and I can practically recite it already!  Well, I was hoping that my son (3 yrs old) or daughter (1.5 yrs old) would poop on the potty today, but it did not happen.  We only sat my daughter on the potty once today and she peed, but no poo.  We put Lightning McQueen underwear on my son today.  Normally he wears diapers, so we weren't sure what was going to happen.  We brought a fresh pair of clothes with us just in case.  He only had one accident the whole day!  Yay!!!  I am so proud of him!  He usually doesn't tell me that he needs to pee until after he has peed in his pants, but today, he told me that he had to pee, went to the bathroom and stood up to pee, just like he sees Daddy doing it, then he pulled his underwear and pants up and smiled at me with the biggest, proudest smile and declared that he went pee-pee in the potty all by himself and he didn't need my help at all.  I was so proud of him!  This is the best potty-training day we have had yet.  Hopefully, we will be able to keep this up tomorrow!  I have a feeling my son is getting close to being potty trained and my daughter will be close behind him.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!!!

As you can tell by the name of the blog "pooping on the potty", by blog is about potty-training.  I am a stay-at-home Mom of two small children.  A 3 year old boy and 1 1/2 year old girl.  I am going through the process of potty-training both of my kids right now.  Some days are better than others.  We have been trying to potty train my son since he was one.  He knows how to pee in the potty, but will only go when we tell him to.  Otherwise, he just goes in his diaper.  He has pooped two or three times in the potty since we started, but I am hoping that this will happen more often.  Especially since I am trying to get him potty-trained before preschool starts next fall.  My 1 1/2 year old daughter sees my son on the potty and she wants to go on there too.  She has peed a couple times and even pooped once on the potty!  I think I may have them potty trained at the same time!!!